Monday, April 6, 2015

My Compass Faces East

I'll be heading East this summer.  East over the Atlantic Ocean.  East past Northern Africa.  East beyond Saudi Arabia.  East to India and Nepal.  You are all invited to join my blog and follow me as I travel across northern India and the Himalayan Mountains of Nepal.

What sites will I see?  Who will I meet?  What will I eat?

Right now it's time to start doing some research.  There's a lot I think I know about this part of the world but, if what I think I know is true, does it give me a complete picture?  I bet not.  That's what I like about traveling the world.  I always learn new things and often find some of my ideas are very wrong.

I won't be leaving until July but start following my blog now as I begin my research and prepare for my next great adventure.  Once I depart for India, I'll be posting lots of pictures with occasional links to videos so, It will be almost like you're traveling along with me.  And, don't forget to leave a few comments or questions that may cross your mind.  It's always nice to hear from home and know you are all enjoying the blog.


  1. you will see the awesome Mt.Everest and you will meet new people that you never knew that you will find interesting and you will eat new foods that are from different cultures and you will find them tasty
